Artist / Printmaker

I create my images by hand pressing hand-carved woodblocks onto Japanese paper (washi), through a traditional woodcut printmaking process. Each print is original with slight variations based on ink applications and multiple layers of different colors. My art is inspired through time spent outside enjoying nature and watching wildlife. From these observations, I use my…


Matthew Quaid Anchorage, Alaska. I was born and raised in Anchorage and developed a love for being outside at a young age. When I started taking pictures, I quickly became hooked on capturing my adventures to share with friends and family. I began spending more and more time outside, sometimes sitting for hours to study…


Daryl Pederson, Anchorage, Alaska. I grew up in Sterling, Alaska, and began my professional photography career after graduating from high school. The ocean is where I find the most of what to love about life on earth, and I dedicate half of the year playing in, on, and around it. In the winter months under…


Sean Neilson, Gustavus, Alaska. I caught the urge to take pictures many years ago while working a summer job in Yellowstone National Park. The natural beauty I witnessed there made me want to share it with others. I began with a borrowed Nikon FM, and after taking thousands of bad photos, I finally started to…


Tom Walker, Denali Park, Alaska. I live near Denali National Park and have made my home in Alaska for 53 years, mostly self-employed as a nature photographer and writer. Alaskans are dabblers in varied skills and job descriptions, and I am no different, having also taught college courses in journalism, worked as a carpenter, military…


Michael Quinton Slana, Alaska. I’ve been obsessed with wildlife as long as I can remember, and at 16 I purchased a camera and telephoto lens with my first paycheck. It was the intimate contact with animals that captured my attention. After several years of photographing in Yellowstone country, I headed north for a place less…


Hugh Rose, Fairbanks, Alaska. I have lived and photographed in northern climates most of my life, with the latter part of it in Alaska. The natural beauty I found here compelled me to leave a 10-year career in geology to explore and photograph its vast landscapes and wildlife. Both nature and a camera have intrigued…


Ron Niebrugge Seward, Alaska In 2002 my wife Janine and I decided to chase a dream and follow my passion for photography on a full-time basis. We left comfortable corporate jobs for the unknown life of a professional photographer team and never looked back. Over the years my images have been widely published, and the…


Ryan Miller, Anchorage, Alaska. I was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, and am fortunate to have been exposed to all of the outdoor activities that come with living in Alaska year-round. With the Chugach Range in my backyard, my focus naturally gravitates toward exploring the wilderness, wildlife behavior, and the habitats they call home.…


Paul Lawrence, Anchorage, Alaska. Ever since my teacher introduced me to the art of the darkroom at the age of 14 in Norway, I have been entranced by the joy of outdoor photography.  I have worked in film and television, and as a professional pilot in bush Alaska, as well as capturing the beauty of…